Sometimes, all you need is a simple grid system without the extras, for faster web development. Spice provides just that, plus the ability to quickly customize the important things.
DownloadSpice is a 12 column, configurable, nestable, responsive grid system that handles the main structure and does not provide any styles. Spice provides built in classes to easily hide, center, position and size elements that works on all screen sizes.
HTML5, Compass, Sass and Normalize.css
Easily change the overall maximum width or margin size by updating one variable in the grid.scss file. Avoid code full of bloated vendor prefixes by using Compass. Consistently render elements across all browsers with normalize.css.
12 columns
9 columns
3 columns
10 Columns Centered
4 Columns
4 Columns
4 Columns
6 Columns
6 Columns Nested
6 Columns Nested
6 Columns
6 Columns Nested
6 Columns Nested
7 Columns
4 Columns Pushed 1